Bone Health

Exercises and Physical Therapy For Osteoporosis

OsteoStrong can help evaluate and customize a fitness program tailored to your needs. If you are local to the Seattle, WA area, our OsteoStrong center here on Mercer Island can help evaluate and customize Osteoporosis exercises specific to you.

A consistent exercise routine and physical therapy treatments can offer many benefits to help treat an osteoporosis diagnosis. Here are some exercises that can also offer Physical Therapy For Osteoporosis benefits.

Stretching Exercises

Adding stretching exercises is a great addition to a bone health routine. Stretching can improve flexibility, which is important in an osteoporosis diagnosis. Stretching correctly and consistently eases muscle tension and can restore range of motion in joints. It also can improve the length of muscles. Stretching alone will not benefit bone health. Stretching paired with exercise routine will provide the most bone-building benefit when done together.

Weight-Bearing Exercises

Weight bearing exercises are activities that make you work against gravity while staying upright. High-impact weight-bearing exercises work to build bones and maintain strength. Check with your healthcare provider if you are able to perform high or low impact exercises before starting them. Some examples of high-impact weight-bearing exercises are: dancing, aerobics, stair-climbing, tennis, hiking, running and jumping rope.

Resistance Bands Exercises 

Strength training can provide many health benefits to treat Osteoporosis. Working your muscles builds strength which may help prevent fall-related fractures. Functional strength and balance training should be part of your routine. Add strength training for osteoporosis exercises to your workouts 2 to 3 days per week. Adding a resistance band into your routine is a simple way to add weight when you cannot lift weights. You can use everyday parts of your home to anchor to and do simple movements to build strength.

Balance & Flexibility Exercises 

Flexibility and balance are very important exercises for folks to work on who have osteoporosis. Flexibility in the joints helps prevent injury. Some ways to build flexibility are regular stretching, yoga and t’ai chi. Balance is central to functioning everyday as an upright human being. Eyes, ears, muscles and joints work together to maintain balance and prevent broken bones. Some conditions and medicines can impact balance. Making sure your vision and hearing are in tip top shape is important to ensure there’s nothing holding you back from having the best balance you can.

OsteoStrong can help evaluate and customize a fitness program tailored to your needs. If you are local to the Seattle, WA area, our OsteoStrong center here on Mercer Island can help evaluate and customize Osteoporosis exercises specific to you. In as little as 10 minutes per week with one of our coaches, you will be on your way to improving your osteoporosis symptoms through the strengthening of your bone density and muscles.

Claim your free session today.