Bone Health

Physical Therapy For Osteoporosis Guide

People with Osteoporosis can lose their independence and alter their quality of life. It is important to do osteoporosis exercise under the advice of a doctor. Did you know that you don’t need a broken or fractured bone to start a physical therapy program? If you are at risk for osteoporosis or have a diagnosis of osteopenia, starting physical therapy is a great way to help prevent this disease.

Getting diagnosed with Osteoporosis can feel like the end. It means reduced mobility in older adults. This bone-weakening disorder can be responsible for fractures in the hip and spine. People with Osteoporosis can lose their independence and alter their quality of life. It is important to do osteoporosis exercise under the advice of a doctor. Did you know that you don’t need a broken or fractured bone to start a physical therapy program? If you are at risk for osteoporosis or have a diagnosis of osteopenia, starting physical therapy is a great way to help prevent this disease. Here is a Physical Therapy for Osteoporosis Guide with some tips to help you get started when considering physical therapy.

Consult Your Physicians

Before you begin a new treatment program, it is always best to consult your doctor to make sure it is wise. Your doctor will be able to give you any information pertaining to limitations and restrictions that can affect your Physical Therapy Treatment. Get the stamp of approval and recommendations from your doctor before starting a new activity program if you are concerned about osteoporosis.

Consult a Physical Therapist

Physical therapy is an excellent option for those wishing to improve their symptoms and bone health with an individualized, closely monitored approach. A physical therapist works with you on exercises for bone health and helps you adapt your daily activities to decrease your chances of having an osteoporosis-related fracture. It is important to find one that specializes in Osteoporosis clients. ​With osteoporosis, physical therapy is not one size fits all, so you will be assessed and prescribed the right movements for your body specifically.

Set Realistic Goals
Start small and work way up. You wouldn’t run a marathon the day after you signed up, and you would jump into a new exercise routine immediately either. Set small goals with days of physical activity with a little at a time and build it up. From 2 days a week to 3 days and so on. Be sure to work in periods for rest too. You want your time and distance of walking, for example, to be measurable so make sure your activities are too. At OsteoStrong our machines give a read out, so we can track your progress through the months.

Be Consistent

For those hoping to improve their osteoporosis symptoms without resorting to surgery, physical therapy is an excellent option. With consistent training alongside a physical therapist, impressive results are possible. At OsteoStrong, our participants report stronger bones after just 10 minutes with us per week! 

OsteoStrong can help evaluate and customize a fitness program tailored to your needs. If you are local to the Seattle, WA area, our OsteoStrong center here on Mercer Island can help evaluate and customize a fitness program tailored to your needs. In as little as 10 minutes per week with one of our coaches, you will be on your way to improving your osteoporosis symptoms through the strengthening of your bone density and muscles.

Claim your free session today.